People this is the true story of my life...Iam not here to try to get rich,I am here hoping that this will touch someone's life and show them you can make it..No matter how hard things get just keep dancing the dance. This will take a long time for me to get it up to date but it will be worth the wait....For this to make since I have numbered my post....Thanks and I hope this at least touches 1 person...And have faith in Jesus.Amen

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Post # 5 Me as a child

When I was a child I was very shy. I never cared if I had designer clothes or shoes it just didn't matter..I remember wearing my fish heads that is what the other kids called them...I would walk and trip over the souls because they would peel lose and trip me....Those old checkered bell bottom pants I hated so much,but i was thankful i even had those...I didn't have very many friends because everyone made fun of me...Then one day I became mean,that's right mean little boy I was.......I stopped letting people pick on me because I could not help my parents did not have money to run out and get me new stuff all the time...At age 5 my cousins that was 4 or 5 years older then me gave me this little plastic bottle and said smell this...So I did they would say sniff it real hard so I did...I didn't know what it was....Then a few months had passed and my uncle gave me a cigarette and said smoke this,so I did and that went on until I was 8 years old...Finally someone with some sense told my parents what was going on....I remember it well we was at a little league baseball game...And when i came off  the field between innings my dad told me to go sit in the truck until the game was over....I had no idea what was going on,I just knew by his voice it was butt whipping time....  What was in that little bottle was Rush what was that cig. that made me feel so funny POT.....Boy was I in trouble...

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